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[Aug 2024]


We really enjoyed discussing our work at Neurosplash. Thanks for the constructive feedback.


[Aug 2024]


Four brilliant interns diligently experienced Jeon Lab for six weeks. Well done on finishing your internship! May your future endeavors be filled with success and excitement.

[June 2024]


Hyeon-Ae delivered a talk at the Symposium on Neural and Cognitive Architecture. It was fantastic to meet esteemed scholars from around the world, exchange ideas, and discuss potential future collaborations.


[March 2024]


As of March 1st, the Jeon Lab has relocated to the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences at Seoul National University. We are grateful for the incredible support and encouragement from DGIST. Most importantly, we are excited to embark on this new journey in a fresh environment with new students and colleagues. Wish us luck!


[February 2024]


Members of the Jeon Lab attended the Korean Cognitive and Biological Psychology Conference(인지및생물심리학회), where their presentation captured significant interest from the audience. Additionally, Taehyun and Hee Dong received awards for Best Oral Presentation. Congratulations!


[December 2023]


The Jeon Lab hosted a workshop on time estimation and its neural networks, featuring our favorite professors, colleagues, and good friends. We were honored to have you all join us. It was a wonderful gathering with a festive Christmas atmosphere.

Jeon Lab 워크샵, 부산, 2023

[August 2023]


Hyeon-Ae presented at the Annual Conference of the Korean Psychological Association. It was wonderful to share our lab's work and catch up with colleagues. 


[August 2023]


Every lab member participated in the CCN (Computational Cognitive Neuroscience) conference in Oxford, England. It's always inspiring to witness the impressive work of our colleagues and friends. CCN is undoubtedly our favorite conference.


[August 2023]


We attended the Neurosplash workshop, where a group of talented and intelligent cognitive neuroscientists gathered to share their research, discuss ideas, and enjoy themselves. We are already looking forward to next year's event.


[May 2023]


Hyeon-Ae attended the Korean Society for Cognitive Science conference (한국인지과학회 학술대회), where she gave a talk on statistical learning and the brain. The Jeon Lab members are eager to share our work with the scientific community, and we strive to do so as often as possible.


[March 2023]


Hyeon-Ae delivered a talk on the brain's role in mathematics and language during World Brain Awareness Week. It was wonderful to engage with the public, discuss brain sciences, and share the excitement of studying cognitive neuroscience.


[August 2022]


Taehyun, Juntak, and Hyeon-Ae joined the CCN (Computational Cognitive Neuroscience) and presented their studies. We were grateful for the constructive feedback and opinions from our colleagues and friends. 

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[July 2022]

Jungtak's second paper has been accepted for publication in Neuroimage. We investigated the functional connectivity involved in statistical learning. Congrats!


언론보도: "DGIST 전현애 교수 연구팀 "인간 학습 능력 비밀 파헤치다"

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[June 2022]


Taehyun was selected as one of the International Conference Travel Fund recipients at the Department of Brain Sciences at DGIST. Two thumbs up! :)


[September 2021]


The joint work by Hee Dong and Minho has now been published in Scientific Reports. We investigated the critical role of interference control in metaphor comprehension using the drift-diffusion model. Congrats! 

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[May 2021]

Minho's first paper has been accepted for publication in the Cerebral Cortex. We investigated neural correlates involved in human reasoning, especially developing a Bayesian meta-analysis of the cortical surface (BMACS) for the analysis. Congrats! ​

언론보도: "사람이 추론할 때 뇌에서 일어나는 핵심신경학적 기전 규명"

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[March 2021]


Minho began his new project as a Ph.D. student after two years of excellent work in our lab. We are looking forward to new and exciting opportunities!


[February 2021]


Minho obtained his Master's degree. Congratulations on your great achievement! Now, let's move on to the next level, Ph.D.! 


[October 2020]

Jungtak's first paper has now been published in Scientific Reports

We performed a modeling study with statistical learning! Congratulations! 

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[March 2020]


After successfully completing their M.S. projects, Hee Dong, Taehyun, and Jungtak have joined our lab as Ph.D. students. We can't wait for more exciting research!

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[February 2020]


Taehyun and Jungtak both earned Master's degrees. Congratulations on your accomplishment! Let us now proceed to the next level, Ph.D.!


[December 2019]


Hyeon-Ae gave a lecture at the Computational Neuroscience Winter School at KAIST. It was great meeting students enthusiastic about the brain, computation, and neuroscience. 


[November 2019]


We had a hands-on session where we learned how to use the LOCALITE TMS navigator. Martin Bublat, the managing director who had flown in from Germany, was a professional researcher with a great personality who explained the neuronavigation system to us in great detail.


[August 2019]


Hee Dong obtained his Master's degree. Warmest congratulations on your success! Also, we are very much looking forward to working on your Ph.D. project.

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[June 2019]

Hee Dong joined the internship at the Group of Lise Meitner Research Group Cognition and Plasticity at the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences in Leipzig, Germany. He has learned A to Z about how to conduct TMS research. Good job, Hee Dong! 

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[March 2019]


Minho joined our lab as a master's student.

Welcome, Minho! We look forward to working with you.


[February 2019]


Jungtak presented his study on statistical learning at the Korean Society for Cognitive and Biological Psychology. Good job!! :)


[January & February 2019]

Taehyun joined the internship at the Institut für Neurowissenschaften und Medizin (INM-1) Forschungszentrum in Jülich, Germany. 
He works with Dr. Jan Schreiber on learning diffusion MRI at Institut für Neurowissenschaften und Medizin (INM-1).


[November 2018]


Jungtak and Hyeon-Ae presented a behavioral study at SfN in San Diego, USA. Thanks a lot for the comments and suggestions from researchers all around the world. 


[August 2018]

Hee Dong and Hyeon-Ae presented a metaphor study at the Society for The Neurobiology of Language (SNL) in the beautiful Quebec City, Canada. We received lots of suggestions and advice! Thanks a lot :)


[July & August 2018]


Kyung Hawn has joined the internship at Neurophysics Department in Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Germany for two months. We wish you the best in Leipzig!

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[June 2018]


Hee Dong and Jungtak presented their studies at the Korean Society for Cognitive Science. All the lab members enjoyed the scientific gathering!

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[April 2018]


Hyeon-Ae presented her research methods at the ALAK (Applied Linguistics Association of Korea) Workshop: Scientific Approaches to SLA. 

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[March 2018]


Kyung Hwan successfully presented his study at Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting in Boston, USA

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[March 2018]

Hee Dong was selected as one of the International Conference Travel Fund recipients at the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences at DGIST. Two thumbs up! :)

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[March 2018]


Taehyun and Jungtak joined our lab! 

We are looking forward to working with you guys! 

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[February 9, 2018]


Kyung Hwan won the best presentation award at the Korean Society for Psycholinguistics conference. 


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[November 2017]

The Jeon Lab became the Research Partner Center of the Max Planck Institute of the Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences. For more information, click here in English or in Korean

언론기사: "DGIST-막스플랑크 고위인지기능 연구센터 출범"

171129 디지스트-막스플랑크 고위인지기능 파트너 연구센터 개소식 (48).JPG

[November 2017]

Hyeon-Ae's post-doc supervisor (a.k.a. her scientific mama) visited DGIST and talked about her research at the Distinguished Lecture Series. Thanks, Dr. Friederici!

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[September 2017]


Kyung Hwan was awarded the DGIST Presidential Fellowship (DPF) scholarship. Congrats, Kyung Hwan!

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[July 2017]


We have the second newbie, Hee Dong! He joined our lab as a master's student.

We wish you all the best :)


[March 2017]


Our very first graduate student joined the lab, Kyung Hwan Chun! We wish you all the best :)


[August 2017]


Hyeon-Ae presented her recent research on hierarchical processing in language and mathematics in the Brain and Cognitive Imaging Workshop. 


[September 2016]


The Jeon Lab goes into partnership with Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences. Five years of joint research and shared curiosity in various open research issues have facilitated establishing a partner group between the Department of Neuropsychology at the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences and the DGIST in Korea. 


언론기사: "DGIST, 獨막스플랑크연구소와 뇌·인지과학 공동연구"

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